When you pass away, you might leave behind online files at a number of different online sites. A recent article provides some advice on how to include these online assets in your comprehensive estate plan.
Many companies with online accounts have set policy on what to do when their users die. Facebook will delete your profile at your loved ones’ request, or allow them to maintain the profile as a memorial. Yahoo and Instagram will delete your profile if your loved ones provide proof of death. However, they will not provide your loved ones with your password. Twitter will provide your loved ones with a copy of all your tweets. Google allows users to choose up to 10 people who can access designated files after you pass away.
It might not be practical to keep yourself informed of all the policies of the all online companies with which you have an account. Instead, consider maintaining a list of usernames and passwords for your online accounts. You can provide the list to a designated person and include instructions for how you want your accounts handled after you pass away. If you are uncomfortable giving away your passwords while you are still alive, you can sign up for a service like PasswordBox, which allows users to store all of their usernames and passwords online. When you pass away, PasswordBox will grant a person of your choosing access to your information.
If you would like assistance with drafting an online estate plan or any other aspect of estate planning, feel free to contact me.