Baby boomers represent a significant portion of the American population today. One of the biggest concerns impacting these baby boomers is that people are living longer than ever. Life expectancy in 1950 for comparison purpose, was just 65 years.
However, today, men live an average of 76 years and women live for an average of 82 years. This means that old retirement planning methods just might not cut it when it comes to this longer time in retirement. Individuals have to think carefully as well about how a potential long term care event could influence them.
A sudden accident or disability could generate a lot of legal and financial questions for your loved ones if you have not done your proper planning. Meeting with a Massachusetts estate planning attorney can help to make sure that you have all the proper documents in line if you have specific wishes about your healthcare decisions. It can also allow you to appoint somebody else under a health care proxy to make decisions for you if you become unable to do so.
There has never been a more important time than now to think about protecting yourself and setting up a meeting with a Massachusetts estate planning attorney.