Elder law is a highly specialized and increasingly important area of the law. It encompasses a number of practice areas, including Medicaid (MassHealth) planning, estate planning, asset protection and more. My goal with respect to elder law is to help you protect your assets against the high cost of nursing home care, remain independent for as long as possible, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a plan in place for the future and the possibility of incapacity. As a Middlesex County Elder Law Lawyer, I can help you plan in advance to protect your assets against the high cost of long-term care, as well as obtain assistance from Medicaid in a crisis situation.
Medicaid Planning
Americans are living longer than ever before, and many elderly people eventually require long-term or nursing home care. How many? Nearly one in two women and one in four men find themselves in nursing homes at some point in their lives. Given the already high and ever-rising cost of such care, together with the fact that Medicare will not pay for it, two out of three families go broke within one year after entering a nursing home.
So are you destined to lose all of your hard-earned assets to pay for long-term care? Absolutely not. I know what you are going through and will do everything I can to ensure you get the care you need without losing all your life savings. One way I can help you accomplish this is through non-crisis Medicaid planning. If you are currently healthy, but want to ensure that if you or your spouse does become incapacitated, you will be prepared and able to protect their assets. I can use a number of strategies and tools on your behalf, including promissory notes, life estates, annuities, and trusts. Remember: the sooner you call me to design a plan, the more options I will have to help you.
A Medicaid Crisis
I understand that planning in advance is not always possible. When a person has already been admitted to a nursing home—or must be placed in one very soon—and has been informed that they have too many assets to qualify for Medicaid, the situation is known as a Medicaid crisis.
If you or someone you love is facing a Medicaid crisis, do not despair. The information about Medicaid eligibility provided by well-meaning friends and family, or even nursing home intake staff and medical professions, is often incorrect. Laws governing eligibility are complicated and ever-changing. I have extensive experience in this area of the law and can show you a number of ways to get assistance from Medicaid without losing your life savings. I will guide you through the process every step of the way, compassionately, efficiently. Please contact me immediately for help if you or a loved one is trying to cope with a Medicaid crisis.

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